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Ease yourself into a degree with Pathways

In our lives, we often find ourselves at crossroads, hesitant to take the next step forward. The prospect of committing to a full-time degree programme can feel daunting, and many reasons can hinder us from pursuing it. Perhaps we are grappling with personal obligations, financial constraints, or a lack of confidence in our ability to succeed in an academic setting.

In such moments, we must remember that the Lord's plans for us are vast and intricate, and we are called to be faithful stewards of the gifts and talents He has given us. I, too, have faced such crossroads in my early 30s, juggling a young family, part-time work, and writing weekly columns for a city newspaper. However, my passion for my calling to learn more about writing and communication kept tugging at my heartstrings, and I yearned to turn it into a vocation.

Eventually, I discovered a way to ease into a Bachelor of Communication and gain valuable academic credits. I took baby steps, dipping my toes into the academic waters with one paper at a time. As I grew in knowledge and passion, I took another and another, and before I knew it, I had signed up for a three-year degree programme. I thrived in my studies so moved cities and committed to full-time study on campus.

If you find yourself in a similar position, one such pathway is the NZ Diploma in Christian Studies (Christian Theology) (Level 5), offered by Pathways Bible College. This course can be completed part-time over two years or full-time within one year, and you can cross-credit towards a Bachelor's degree at leading education providers in Theological Studies, such as Laidlaw College, University of Otago, or Carey Bible College.

Studying part-time towards a Bachelor's degree is a wonderful option that allows us to explore different areas of study, build a strong academic foundation, and earn valuable credits for a full degree programme in the future. Through this journey, we can learn to work out our faith and discern God's calling for our lives. As the Scriptures say, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths" (Proverbs 3:6).

Therefore, I urge you to take that first step and enrol today. Let us trust in the Lord's provision and guidance, knowing that He will never leave nor forsake us.

If you are also wondering where to start with an internship, have a look at Crossroads Church in Palmerston North, where many of our students have started out.  Visit

– by Vivette Bradley


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