Pathways NZ Diploma in Christian Studies
(Christian Leadership) Level 6
Part-Time, Auckland
NZQA Diploma in Christian Studies (Christian Leadership)
Level 6 Auckland Programme, Part-Time
This qualification is for emerging and established Christian leaders, designed to help them to lead effectively in a complex and rapidly changing world.
Those with a passion for participating in God’s mission by leading in churches, Christian agencies, and other organisations will be equipped with the skills to provide leadership that is missional, strategic and culturally relevant.
The programme aims to develop the skills to evaluate, review and respond to the needs within a particular group according to pastoral, specialised and ethical responsibilities required of people in leadership within a church ministry, mission, community organisation or workplace environment. The programme prepares a student for leadership in faith-based organisations or roles, by examining leadership within a robustly biblical and theologically rich framework, while also nurturing the student’s own personal faith journey.
The programme examines biblical and theological models of, and approaches to, leadership while also exploring how that leadership can be effectively implemented in our contemporary, multi-cultural context. As such, the programme draws on Māori tikanga and kata to engage with people in a faith-based community or role. Some of the teaching and learning is also contextualised through the cultural framework of Tāpasa.
Graduates of the programme may continue to contribute to the mission of a Church, agency or community organisation in a voluntary capacity or be employed in leadership roles in a ministry, mission, community or workplace environments, e.g., Youth, Camp, Small Group, Children or Special Interest/Music Ministry. Graduates of the programme may also advance onto higher level study in related fields.

What will I be studying?
This qualification will equip you with effective people management and event management skills along with the ability to provide strategic leadership.
Leadership: Biblical Principles and Models
This course enables learners to reflect critically on the nature of Christian leadership, focusing on principles and a range of leadership models. A particular focus for this course is exploring the implications for leadership of mission, ministry, community and workplace environments. Learners will evaluate, review and respond to the pastoral, specialised and ethical responsibilities of leadership within defined ministry, mission, community settings or workplace environments. Case studies will help learners understand the practical application of the topics covered. Learners will identify biblical principles for practice and articulate a personalised informed model of Christian leadership for a nominated setting.
Leadership: Identity and Calling
This course recognises that the leader leads from within and, therefore, being self-aware is critical to effective leading. The course is focused on the influence the learner’s understanding of what it means to be imago Dei (identity), their contribution to God’s purposes (Missio Dei) in their context (call), and the role theological reflection has in increasing the likelihood of effective Christian leadership. The student’s own understanding of factors that influence a Christian leader’s identity and sense of call will be enriched through undertaking a case study of a biblical leader and an interview with an inspirational Christian leader in their context.
Relational Leadership: Empowering, Ethical and Inclusive
This course seeks to develop students’ skills in leading relationally by exploring the rich resources that exist in Christian theology, particularly the doctrine of the Trinity, for understanding human relationships and community.
Learners will examine the deep, mutually interpenetrative relationships that exist between the persons of the Godhead and consider how this informs a Christian view of human community and, therefore, also of leadership. In many respects, Māori and Pasifika perspectives on community resonate deeply with biblical perspectives. Consequently, this course explores how our relationality may be enriched by a deepening understanding of te ao Māori.
Students will develop practical skills in leading relationally, including those required for managing conflict. As such, some learning activities will entail grappling with challenging scenarios that can arise when working with groups and formulating responses that are empowering, inclusive and ethical.
Working with Groups (Placement)
In this course, learners will identify the key principles and effective strategies necessary for leading groups and working with others in group settings.
Integral to effective group dynamics is understanding the typical causes of conflicts within group settings. Learners will explore, consider and develop confidence with helpful approaches in dealing with these conflicts. Effective group dynamics and working together do not just happen but are dependent on purposeful and intentional planning together with strategic guidance in terms of member’s roles.
Learners will develop a range of approaches to maximise how a group works together to accomplish a stated purpose. They will gain insight into effective group dynamics, how to meet group members’ needs, the importance of planning and the ability to reflect critically on the outcomes of a planned group activity in order to grow their expertise. Within the course learners have a three week field-based placement with a specific focus on working with groups.
Leading in Digital and Secular Culture
This course recognises that effective leadership requires a rich understanding of the surrounding cultural context(s). To that end, this course seeks to equip learners with the critical tools necessary to identify and skilfully interpret cultural artefacts and trends. Two particularly salient aspects of 21st century Aotearoa culture are secularism and digital technology. As such, learners will develop an understanding of our secular age, while also being encouraged to understand, critique and use digital technology in order to lead effectively in a secularised, technologically mediated culture.
Leadership in Context (Placement)
This course provides an extended Field Based Experience Placement during which learners demonstrate how their in-depth understanding of theology and biblical foundations shapes the way they manage and lead people in a range of contexts, groups and roles.
Critical to growth and development is the process of theological reflection and working with a mentor. The placement provides a context in which learners demonstrate skilful, strategic use of media and digital tools in leadership.
Learners will serve their host organisation through designing, leading, managing and evaluating a short term project, using theological understanding and insight from previous experiences. They will also demonstrate enhanced administrative and professional management capability to ensure the successful outcome of the selected project.
Strategic, Missional and Resilient Leadership
This course is designed to provide the context for learners to bring all their learning from the programme together in a personalised, biblically, theologically and theoretically informed model of Christian Leadership. Learners have the opportunity to articulate how this personalised model can, and will, guide their strategic missional leadership to be sustainable and resilient. The course concludes with the opportunity to articulate how they plan to develop and empower future Christian leaders for a missional, ministry or community context.
Host Organisations
You will have the opportunity to be aligned with a Host Organisation throughout the year, which can be a church, mission, or parachurch organisation. This connection allows for genuine integration of theory and practice. Students work through their courses while simultaneously having the opportunity to be in their Host Organisation with flexible hours, allowing them to attend leadership meetings, mentoring sessions or special events where they have the opportunities to:
participate in decision making scenarios in an ongoing manner throughout their extended field-based practice experience;
observe and participate in strategic planning sessions;
observe and consider the ebb and flow of the year across a wide range of foci – including the organisation as a system;
reflectively consider leadership and management behaviour and dispositions within the organisation;
observe and reflectively consider routines, roles and responsibilities of the various leaders within the organisation;
contextualise theory and practice related to leadership, management and administration;
engage in professional dialogue and theological reflection;
develop relationships with the host organisation personnel, which extends beyond the field-based placements aligned to specific courses.
Face-To-Face Teaching Blocks
Students will meet together as a cohort, in person, twice per semester. Each teaching block will be approximately 12 hours. These sessions will take place on consecutive days; Friday (3pm-8.30pm) and Saturday (9am-5pm) four times during the year (March, May, August, October). Final dates and location to be confirmed.
Students will be required to attend these teaching blocks which will be led by teaching faculty from Pathways College. Teaching approaches for these sessions include:
Collaborative learning experiences which are critical to the development of skills - e.g., for working in groups, having courageous conversations, leading a discussion; Workshops for developing study or leadership skills;
Creative learning experiences which are helpful for reflective engagement focused on developing self-awareness, e.g., Ko Wai Ahau? (exploring personal identity through Māori art and symbolism);
Debates, discussion and dialogue (flipped classroom);
Oral Presentations, e.g., of learner designed interactive workshops, group work, leadership opportunities, inquiries, assessments with presentation outputs;
Peer Assessment/Feedback and discussion;
Self-awareness development, e.g., working in a group;
Collaborative learning, manaakitanga and hospitality.
Face-to-face components for the programme will be held at an Auckland location.
Online Component
Pathways’ Learning Management System (Moodle) is known as Pathways Connect. Each student is given online access. This site contains information on every course Pathways has to offer including course outlines, structured weekly lessons, specific subject material such as required readings, coversheets, and assessment details. It also maintains a list of grades so students can monitor their progress as they complete each course. As well as providing course information, Pathways Connect is where assessments are uploaded for grading via Turnitin.
Lecturers grade the assessments, record the grade in Pathways Connect and upload any comments they want to make.
Pathways academic faculty also have access to the student’s Pathways Connect pages and can monitor postings by students and staff.
Additionally, students will also be well supported through regular contact with lecturers. Academic advice and assistance are provided within Pathways Connect and also by the teaching faculty.
Graduates of the programme will be able to:
Analyse and apply an in-depth understanding of theology and biblical foundations in operational or research contexts;
Evaluate, review and respond to the pastoral, specialised and ethical responsibilities required of defined church ministry settings or workplace environments;
Apply management or administrative capability and leadership in a Christian ministry or workplace environment to make strategic decisions in a specified context;
Critically reflect on personal faith journey and professional development to refine own practice;
Lead and manage parishes, agencies or community organisations based on an understanding of the needs and contextual elements of defined groups or communities and modelled on Christian Leadership.
Programme Delivery (Part-Time Over Two Years)
Although the New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies (Christian Leadership) (Level 6) has traditionally been a one-year full-time programme with 120 credits at Pathways College, from 2024 we are also offering this qualification in Auckland as a two-year part time programme with 60 credits each year (120 credits total).
Level 6 Auckland-based students can undertake part-time study over two years;
Participants complete 60 credits each year;
One credit equates to approximately 10 hours of learning.
This schedule over two years, provides an opportunity for people who are already heavily committed to work and ministry responsibilities, to have the opportunity to study biblically and theologically informed Christian leadership.
NZ Diploma in Christian Studies (Christian Leadership) Level 6
Part-time Students: Two-Year Programme, 2024-2025
2024 | |||||
Semester 1 (Feb-June) | Cred | Semester 2 (July-Nov) | Cred | ||
DCL601 | Leadership: Biblical Principles and Models | 15 | DCL603 | Relational Leadership: Empowering, Ethical and Inclusive | 15 |
DC602 | Leadership: Identity and Calling | 15 | DCL604 | Working with Groups (Practical Placement) | 15 |
TOTAL | 60 |
2025 | |||||
Semester 1 (Feb-June) | Cred | Semester 2 (July-Nov) | Cred | ||
DCL605 | Leading in a Digital and Secular Culture | 15 | DCL606 | Leadership in Context (Practical Placement) | 30 |
DCL607 | Strategic, Missional, Resilient Leadership | 15 | |||
TOTAL | 60 |
What do I need to do, to be accepted into
this qualification?
Intending students for this programme must:
Demonstrate ability to successfully study at New Zealand Qualifications Framework Level 6. This is typically through having a Level 5 Certificate in a similar area of study – e.g. New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies (Level 5), or, New Zealand Certificate in Christian Studies (Level 5), or, having a broad understanding of theology and biblical foundations with a ministry role in a faith-based community;
Applicants must have evidence of support from a host organisation in which they will carry out practical components of the programme.
Special Entry: New Zealand applicants who do not meet the standard entry requirements may apply for Special Entry. This considers a person’s life experiences and employment history to determine their suitability to study at diploma Level 6 or above.
Age: Students must be over the age of 20, and submit a Curriculum Vitae, or equivalent, that includes work history, or provide a written reference and suitable recommendation from a past or current employer, or provide evidence of prior learning that indicates an ability to study at diploma Level 6, or minimum qualifications of NCEA Level 2 literacy (or equivalent).
Before being offered a place in this programme, each student will have satisfied all requirements for entry to Pathways College of Bible & Mission including:
Two character references;
Letter from Pastor/Leader of the chosen Host Organisation supporting entry to this programme;
Police Clearance (Vetting is organised by the college and mandatory for all Pathways students);
Attended an interview with the Academic Director or Principal (in person or by Zoom).
If you're unsure about anything please contact
Academic Requirements
All applicants must have completed:
New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies (Theological Studies) (Level 5) with strands in Chaplaincy, Christian Leadership, Intercultural Studies, Performing Arts, Te Minita Taha Māori, and Theological Studies [Ref: 2793], or
New Zealand Certificate in Christian Studies (Theological Studies) (Level 5) with strand in Christian Ministry [Ref:2771], or
Have a broad understanding of theology and biblical foundations with a ministry role in a faith-based community.
International Students
In addition to the above, international students must
Be 20 or older by the start date of the qualification they are applying for, and
Meet the minimum English language requirement, which is an Academic IELTS score of 5.5 with no band score lower than 5, or its equivalent.
For more information about applying to study at Pathways College as an International Student, please contact the Pathways College office.
Other Documentation
As part of the application process, all applicants must provide a copy of their Passport or Birth Certificate, verified by a Justice of the Peace. Find a Justice of the Peace near you by visiting
Special Entry
New Zealand applicants who do not meet the standard entry requirements may apply for Special Entry. This considers a person’s life experiences and employment history to determine their suitability to study at diploma Level 6 or above. Students seeking special entry:
must be over the age of 20, and
must submit a Curriculum Vitae, or equivalent, that includes work history, or
Provide a written reference and suitable recommendation from a past or current employer outlining work completed (minimum 3 months employment), or
Provide evidence of prior learning that indicates an ability to study at Diploma Level 6.
Before being offered a place in this programme, each student will have satisfied all requirements for entry to Pathways College of Bible & Mission including:
Two character references,
Letter from Pastor/Leader of the chosen Host Organisation supporting entry to this programme,
Police Clearance (Vetting is organised by the college and mandatory for all Pathways students),
Attended an interview with the Academic Director or Principal (in person or by Zoom).
Police Vetting
Consistent with the requirements of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, all applicants must undergo a Police Vetting check as part of the enrolment process. Admission into the programme is subject to a satisfactory outcome of this check. With their enrolment, applicants will need to submit a signed copy of the Police Vetting Service Request & Consent Form, along with one form of ID from each of the following lists.
Primary ID (select one):
Passport (NZ or Overseas)
NZ Firearms Licence
NZ Full Birth Certificate (issued during or after 1998)
NZ Citizenship Certificate
NZ Refugee Travel Document
NZ Emergency Travel Document
NZ Certificate of Identity
Secondary ID (select one):
NZ Driver's Licence
18+ Card
NZ Full Birth Certificate (issued before 1998)
Community Services Card
SuperGold Card
NZ Employee Photo ID card
NZ Student Photo ID card
Inland Revenue Number
NZ issued utility bill (issued not more than six months prior)
NZ Teacher's Registration Certificate
NZ Electoral Roll Record
International Driving Permit
How Much Does This Course Cost?
Fee Information: These are Course Fees for the NZ Diploma in Christian Studies (Level 6) Christian Leadership, 120 Credits, Part-Time, 2-Year Programme based in Auckland, 2024-2025:
NZQA Diploma in Christian Studies (Christian Leadership) Level 6 – 120 Credits, Auckland, NZ
Item | Year 2 - 2025 | Year 1 - 2025 | Year 2 - 2026 |
Application Fee | $0 | $100 | $0 |
Course Fees:
| $3,487 | $3,484 | $3,583 |
| $1,175 | $1,176 | $1,207 |
Total | $4,662 | $4,660 | $4,790 |
NZQA Diploma in Christian Studies (Christian Leadership) Level 6 – 120 Credits, Auckland, NZ
Item | Year 2 - 2025 | Year 1 - 2025 | Year 2 - 2026 |
Application Fee | $0 | $100 | $0 |
Course Fees:
| $6,974 | $6,968 | $7,166 |
| $1,175 | $1,176 | $1,207 |
Total | $8,149 | $8,144 | $8,373 |
Other Fees (apply to all programmes)
Item | Domestic |
Application Fee (Non-refundable, new students only) | $100 |
Assessment Regrade (per assessment) | $30 |
Late Assessment Submission Grading | $30 |
Pathways Connect or Gmail Reactivation | $30 |
Replacement Diploma or Transcript | $30 |
Replacement Student ID Card | $20 |
All prices include GST.
Fees are subject to change without notification.
The fees for the Level 5 and 6 diploma courses include the cost of accommodation and food during the intensive block-course weeks. Incidental costs associated with study such as books, travel, stationery, accommodation during your ministry placement, or other costs relating to your particular ministry placement are not included in this fee schedule.
The International Student fees for students enrolled in the Level 5 and 6 diploma courses do not include airport transfers, costs associated with visa applications, insurances and other associated travel expenses. These are the sole responsibility of the applicant.
Fee and Payment FAQs
Can my church or placement organisation pay my fees?
Yes, your church or placement organisation can pay your fees, but the invoice will be addressed to you. Regardless of the source of payment of your fees, you are responsible for ensuring that these are paid by the due date listed on your invoice.
When will I receive an invoice?
You will receive an invoice for your course fees once your enrolment has been confirmed.
Can I get a refund if I withdraw from my course or programme?
If you withdraw from a course or programme within the first two weeks of semester, you will receive a refund of your fees (minus your non-refundable application fee). After the second teaching week you may still withdraw from your course or programme but you will not be eligible for any refund.
Why are my fees deposited into a Public Trust account?
All student fees are paid directly to Public Trust. In accordance the Education and Training Act 2020 and the Student Fee Protection Rules 2021, Pathways College uses the Public Trust to protect all fees paid by students in connection with their study. The Public Trust transfers these funds to Pathways College in monthly instalments spread over the duration of your study. This ensures that your fees are protected from situations which may see our institution having to close. In the unlikely event that Pathways College may close down, any unused portion of student fees at the time of closure, including tuition and accommodation fees, are refunded to the student in accordance with NZQA's policy.
Are there scholarships available?
Students serving in CCCNZ / Open-Brethren heritage churches are eligible to apply for the JH Baldwin Scholarship provided by the Lichfield Lands Incorporated Society AND/OR Lichfield Lands Internship Support. For more information, visit
Some local churches also support individual students with their tuition fees.
Does this course qualify for Fees Free Study?
If you're a New Zealand citizen or resident and you're about to start your first year of tertiary, you could be eligible for up to one year of fees free study. Check if you are eligible by visiting
Please note fees free is not available for students enrolling into Online Courses or School of Worship Leading, as these are not NZQA accredited.
How can I pay for my study?
The part-time study option does not generally allow for government-funded student loans through StudyLink. However, some students may be eligible for compulsory course fees. You can check eligibility under the Student Loan tab here: StudyLink.
Students can fund their own study.
Scholarship funding may be available through 3trusts. These trusts provide scholarships for theological education so that CCCNZ churches, Open Brethren heritage churches, and the wider church in New Zealand will be strengthened. The scholarships range from certificates right through to doctoral study. If you are interested in theological study they may be able to help you with a scholarship. Visit 3trustsscholarships.
Your church or Christian ministry may be willing to sponsor or support you by contributing to your study fees.
A Pathways staff member can discuss the options with you if you require assistance.
What else will I need to undertake study?
A desire to undertake theological study and grow your understanding and practice in Christian leadership.
Access to a laptop or desk top computer or notebook with reliable internet connection.
Ability to commit to attending the compulsory face-to-face teaching sessions in Auckland.
These sessions will take place on consecutive days; Friday (3pm-8.30pm) and Saturday (9am-5pm) four times during the year (March, May, August, October). Final dates and location to be confirmed.
A willingness to engage online with members of your class and your lecturers for tutorials at mutually agreed times.
Set readings and resources are all provided, however, a couple of the papers may require the purchase of a textbook.
How can I find out more about the Level 6 Auckland Cohort part-time study?
A staff member will be in contact with you to discuss the course and answer any questions you may have.
Before you enrol
Applicants must provide evidence that they have the support of a placement church or para-church or mission. This is necessary because without this support a student will not be able to meet the practical requirements of their study at Pathways Bible College. Typically completion of the ‘Internship Placement Form’ by the placement leader at the time of enrolment is sufficient evidence. We will contact the applicant if further information is required.
If you don't have a potential placement organisation, please contact us. We have a lot of partner organisations with whom we may be able to connect you.
Ready to enrol?
If you are ready to start your enrolment process, click on the Enrol Now button. While you can can Save and Continue your enrolment, it is a good idea to have the following items ready before you apply:
A placement in an organisation
A form of identification. This could be:
A verified copy of your Passport, or
A verified copy of your Birth Certificate, or
A verified copy of your New Zealand Citizenship Certificate
(Note that if you are an International Student, you are required to provide your passport as your primary form of ID, and the original must be sighted in person by a staff member of Pathways College before your study begins.)
Selection process
The decision on whether to offer a place in the programme is determined by the Academic Management Committee and takes into account all the evidence supplied to demonstrate the applicant’s ability to study at the required academic level. Once a decision is made the applicant will be advised in writing of the outcome.
If you're unsure about anything please contact the Registrar, Helen Tait.